Billionaires & The Sell-Off of San Francisco-From CCSF To The Parks & City Services
The sell off San Francisco is transforming the city completely run and controlled by the billionaires and banks.
The destruction of San Francisco City College with the closure of campuses and privatization of the PUC Balboa Reservoir to the Golden Gate Pars which have been turned over to “non-profits” run for and by billionaires will be the focus of this panel.
Dayton D. Andrews, United Front Against Displacement
Dave Romano, San Franciscans For Urban Nature
Harry S. Pariser, advocate against the privatization of the commons
Madeline Mueller, CCSF Chair Music Department City College
Kim Tolbert, SEIU 1021 member, City & County of DPH Accounting Dep.
John Wadsworth, SEIU General Hospital Chapter VP