In the first action in the United States, California community college faculty, students and supporters of public education and public health rallied on 9/20/21 in Sacramento at the Community College Board of Governors Sacramento offices and demanded a Covid Zero policy and an end to privatization of public education. The board was meeting on the same day and they demanded that California Community Colleges adopt a Covid Zero policy and an end to the privatization of community colleges by Chancellor Oakley and other administrators.
Speakers talked as well about the lack of PPE even after a year of the pandemic, other health and safety protections. including mass testing as well as the destruction of public education through privatization and union busting. There are also less than 200 Cal-OSHA safety inspectors for the 18 million workers of California and Governor Newsom and former governor Brown has starved not only Cal-OSHA but public health protection in California.
AFT 2121 and the CFT were invited to participate in the action but declined. Supporters of the action who were unable to physically participate also called in under public comment to the state community college Board Of Governor's meeting.
Michael Hull, a teacher from Texas and also founder of Teachers Against Dying also participated and sent a statement in solidarity with the rally.
The was initiated by the Higher Education Action Team HEAT
Endorsed by:
Labor Council For Latin American Advancement LCLAA Sacramento
United Front Committee For A Labor Party UFCP
The California Part Time Faculty Association (CPFA)
Gray Panthers San Francisco
San Diego Adjunct Faculty Association
Freedom Socialist Party
Michael Hull, Founder Teachers Against Dying
Production of Labor Video Project
Additional media:
Zero Covid & The Shutdown Of The Pandemic
Covid Protections Demanded At CCSF Press Conference "This Is A Life & Death Question”!
Capitalism Breeds Pathogens: An Interview with Epidemiologist Rob Wallace
Newsom & Demo Party Crimes: Cal-OSHA Destruction, The Pandemic & The Working Class
Newsom Starved CA Public Health System In Middle Of A Pandemic Murdering Thousands
Disinvestment had left counties unprepared for the pandemic, they argued, and systems essential to tracking and controlling an array of infectious and chronic diseases had been decimated.
Angela Hart
The LA ILWU Local 13 Covid Pandemic & Chaos In The Transportation Chain
They Don't Care About Our Safety! UESF Teachers/Students/Staff Protest Lack of Testing & Protection
The Covid-19 epidemic has now killed nearly 700,000 American and millions around the world. At the same time, there are countries like Taiwan, New Zealand and China that have suppressed the virus with a Zero Covid policy.
This forum discusses health and safety and the fight against Covid-19 and the failure of politicians and agencies like OSHA and the CDC to protect the people of the United States.
Speakers include retired Cal-OSHA industrial hygienist Charles Rachlis & Dr. Nayvin Gordon.
This panel was held on 9/14/21 and was sponsored by HEAT. Also Michael Hull, the founder of Teachers Against Dying joined the discussion.
San Francisco Community College administrators are refusing to properly protect students, faculty and staff who are coming back to school on the campuses according to speakers at a press conference held on 8/16/21. The event which was sponsored by the Higher Education Action Team HEAT had faculty, a Trustee John Rizzo, community members and Cal-OSHA industrial hygienist Charles Rachlis speaking in a personal capacity.
The AFT 2121 leadership has also made no demands on the administration and Board of Trustees and also refused to even have it on the agenda during the union flex meeting. Instead they spent their time talking about supporting Gray Davis who along with former governor Brown has starved and destroyed Cal-OSHA which has less safety inspectors than before the pandemic.
Students and supporters of San Francisco Community College rallied and protested on 8/9/21 outside a "Summer Soirée" to retire the campaign debts of CCSF Board of Trustees president Shanell Williams. Participants reported that Williams had voted to shut campuses, destroy programs such as the Older Adults program and also have a massive layoff of faculty while cutting salaries up to 14%.
Speakers also condemned Williams for supporting the hiring of Mark Rocha who viciously attacked the faculty and students while spending millions of dollars on consultants. He finally was forced out but Williams voted to give him and golden parachute of $400,000 while faculty are being layed off.
Sponsors of her benefit Host Committee included much of the San Francisco Democratic Party officialdom:
Host Committee: Mayor London Breed; Treasurer Fiona Ma; Assemblyman David Chiu; Assemblyman Phil Ting; Board of Equalization Member Malia Cohen; California Democratic Party Vice Chair David Campos; San Francisco Assessor Recorder Joaquin Torres; BART Board Director Bevan Dufty and Lateefah Simon; City College Trustees Tom Temprano, Brigitte Davila, John Rizzo, Thea Selby and Allan Wong; San Francisco Board of Supervisors Myrna Melgar, Matt Haney, Hillary Ronen, Gordon Mar; San Francisco Democratic Party First Vice Chair Leah Lecroix; Former San Francisco Supervisors Jane Kim and Leslie Katz.
Pre-pandemic 2020
Feb. 2020: SF City Hall Speakout to restore 300 classes at City College of San Francisco.