Mission Statement
CCSF Higher Education Team (HEAT) is a grassroots organization that brings together students, educators, and allies to protect public education and keep City College a strong and viable "Jewel of San Francisco." We work to ensure that the college adopts policies that fulfill the educational needs of CCSF’s diverse student body.
HEAT meets weekly Fridays from 4-6 on Zoom
(passcode 131457 if you need it)
All who care about CCSF Welcome!
One of the major registration problems CCSF shares with other colleges is that of “ghost students”, defined as fictitious students registering for semester classes with no intention to attend CCSF.
Identifying “ghost students” and removing them from class registration lists is a long and time-consuming process worked on in partnership with Admission and Records, Financial Aid, Department Chairs and instructors among others. The successful removal of “ghost students” opens up seats for “real” students and, as of now, it has been stated that approximately 1,500 students have been identified and removed, opening up as many as 10,000 seats.
The work of scrubbing “ghost students” from the lists continues and will continue throughout the registration period and beyond. In the meantime, if you are a new or continuing student who cannot get into a particular class, PLEASE:
1. SHOW UP on the first day of class!
2. IDENTIFY YOURSELF to your teacher as soon as possible.
3. On the day of your first class meeting, or as soon as possible thereafter, submit a new
request to add the desired class through your " Student Portal." This will make it easier
for the teacher to add you to his/her official list.
4. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS for “How to Add a Class” on the CCSF Website.
There are concerns with student safety once the new federal administration takes over on January 20. Plans are in place to adopt a “comprehensive resolution that reaffirms the College’s commitment to protecting our undocumented students…and the supports that we will continue to provide them to ensure a safe, welcoming and hopeful environment to learn, thrive and succeed.” (Letter from the Chancellor, 12/31/24). These plans will be adopted at the January 23, 2025 BoT Meeting. The resolution can be found in Board Policy 5.042 on the CCSF website with attached administrative regulations.